Haslop Reserve Walking and Cycling Improvements

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Thank you for your feedback. This consultation has concluded.

Tell us what you think about the proposed improvements along the Haslop Reserve walking and cycling connection between Cremorne Street and Wattle Street.

Council as part of its 2023-2024 Annual Business Plan and Budget allocated funding to develop concept designs to improve safety and access at Haslop Reserve between Cremorne Street and Wattle Street, with a key focus on improving facilities for people walking and bike riding.

The project responds to the 2019 Local Area Traffic Management Plan for the Parkside Area Recommendation 23, ‘Safety concerns over Rugby/Cremorne Street bend and conflict between cyclists and school children’.

Recent traffic data collected showed that at Rugby Street and Cremorne Street junction high levels of pedestrian and bicycle activity are experienced with over 2,500 daily pedestrian movements and 285 daily bicycle movements due to its connection with the Unley Primary School.

The proposed improvements are a direct response to concerns voiced by the local community, particularly parents and caregivers of children attending Unley Primary School, as well as people who regularly walk or bike ride along the well-utilised Rugby/Porter Street Bikeway.

The project aims to enhance safety and accessibility for people of all ages and abilities by implementing the following measures (and as detailed on the Concept Design Plans):

  • Introducing a priority pedestrian crossing (zebra) at the intersection of the Cremorne Street footpath and bicycle path.
  • Establishing a pedestrian refuge to facilitate safe crossings of Rugby Street and Cremorne Street.
  • Installing a sheltered right turn facility for bike riders on Cremorne Street and Rugby Street bend.
  • Enhancing landscaping along verge areas to create a physical separation between the path and roadway.
  • Adjusting school and reserve fencing to improve sightlines and widen path area.
  • Creating a calmed and low speed road environment conducive to walking and cycling.
  • Enhancing street aesthetics by increasing greenery, including the planting of additional trees.
  • Introducing a raised continuous footpath at Wattle Street and Rugby Street junction with drivers giving way to pedestrians.

The Unley Primary School Governing Council has had early input into the concept design presented for consultation purposes.

How to provide feedback

  1. Review the Concept Design Plans for the Haslop Reserve Walking and Cycling Improvements project; and
  2. Complete the survey below.

Your views are important to us. Your feedback will assist us in finalising the concept designs. If you would like further information, please contact the City Design team on 8372 5111 or email pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au.

Hard copies of the survey are available from the Unley Civic Centre (181 Unley Road) and the Unley and Goodwood Libraries.

Tell us what you think about the proposed improvements along the Haslop Reserve walking and cycling connection between Cremorne Street and Wattle Street.

Council as part of its 2023-2024 Annual Business Plan and Budget allocated funding to develop concept designs to improve safety and access at Haslop Reserve between Cremorne Street and Wattle Street, with a key focus on improving facilities for people walking and bike riding.

The project responds to the 2019 Local Area Traffic Management Plan for the Parkside Area Recommendation 23, ‘Safety concerns over Rugby/Cremorne Street bend and conflict between cyclists and school children’.

Recent traffic data collected showed that at Rugby Street and Cremorne Street junction high levels of pedestrian and bicycle activity are experienced with over 2,500 daily pedestrian movements and 285 daily bicycle movements due to its connection with the Unley Primary School.

The proposed improvements are a direct response to concerns voiced by the local community, particularly parents and caregivers of children attending Unley Primary School, as well as people who regularly walk or bike ride along the well-utilised Rugby/Porter Street Bikeway.

The project aims to enhance safety and accessibility for people of all ages and abilities by implementing the following measures (and as detailed on the Concept Design Plans):

  • Introducing a priority pedestrian crossing (zebra) at the intersection of the Cremorne Street footpath and bicycle path.
  • Establishing a pedestrian refuge to facilitate safe crossings of Rugby Street and Cremorne Street.
  • Installing a sheltered right turn facility for bike riders on Cremorne Street and Rugby Street bend.
  • Enhancing landscaping along verge areas to create a physical separation between the path and roadway.
  • Adjusting school and reserve fencing to improve sightlines and widen path area.
  • Creating a calmed and low speed road environment conducive to walking and cycling.
  • Enhancing street aesthetics by increasing greenery, including the planting of additional trees.
  • Introducing a raised continuous footpath at Wattle Street and Rugby Street junction with drivers giving way to pedestrians.

The Unley Primary School Governing Council has had early input into the concept design presented for consultation purposes.

How to provide feedback

  1. Review the Concept Design Plans for the Haslop Reserve Walking and Cycling Improvements project; and
  2. Complete the survey below.

Your views are important to us. Your feedback will assist us in finalising the concept designs. If you would like further information, please contact the City Design team on 8372 5111 or email pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au.

Hard copies of the survey are available from the Unley Civic Centre (181 Unley Road) and the Unley and Goodwood Libraries.