Living Young Action Plan for Our Young People 2023-2027

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Consultation has concluded. Thank you for your feedback, it will be used to help inform the development of Council’s new Living Young Action Plan

Have your say on Living Young!

The purpose of the Living Young Action Plan, 2023 - 2027 is to state how the City of Unley will support and engage young people over the next four years.

We encourage young people and parents/guardians of children and young people (5 - 25 years) to voice their priorities, passions, experiences, and concerns and will use the information gathered to inform how Council will work and collaborate with young people in the future.

There are a number of ways you can get involved.

You can:

Your feedback will be used to help inform the development of Council’s new Living Young Action Plan.

If you would like to contribute feedback via email or phone. Please email link) or phone 8372 5111 and speak to Laura De Bono, Community Development Project Officer - Youth.

This consultation will be open until 5pm, Friday 2 September 2022. 

By simply completing this quick survey you will go in the draw to win a $100 Dymocks Hyde Park gift voucher. We thank you for taking the time to contribute.

Have your say on Living Young!

The purpose of the Living Young Action Plan, 2023 - 2027 is to state how the City of Unley will support and engage young people over the next four years.

We encourage young people and parents/guardians of children and young people (5 - 25 years) to voice their priorities, passions, experiences, and concerns and will use the information gathered to inform how Council will work and collaborate with young people in the future.

There are a number of ways you can get involved.

You can:

Your feedback will be used to help inform the development of Council’s new Living Young Action Plan.

If you would like to contribute feedback via email or phone. Please email link) or phone 8372 5111 and speak to Laura De Bono, Community Development Project Officer - Youth.

This consultation will be open until 5pm, Friday 2 September 2022. 

By simply completing this quick survey you will go in the draw to win a $100 Dymocks Hyde Park gift voucher. We thank you for taking the time to contribute.