Public Art Strategy

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Consultation has concluded

Thank you to all those who participated in our community engagement for the development of our Public Arts Strategy.

Based on the feedback provided, our Strategy has now been finalised with Council endorsement received in May 2014.

You can access our new Public Arts Strategy on our website or documents section.

Are you passionate about public art...and in Unley?

Do you think public art can deliver new ideas, culture, community and diversity in Unley?

The City of Unley is exploring how public art can transform your an experience or destination, for entertainment, as a celebration, for community

Thank you to all those who participated in our community engagement for the development of our Public Arts Strategy.

Based on the feedback provided, our Strategy has now been finalised with Council endorsement received in May 2014.

You can access our new Public Arts Strategy on our website or documents section.

Are you passionate about public art...and in Unley?

Do you think public art can deliver new ideas, culture, community and diversity in Unley?

The City of Unley is exploring how public art can transform your an experience or destination, for entertainment, as a celebration, for community engagement, interpretation or as a way to commemorate the values, stories and history of Unley.

We are developing a Public Art Strategy and we need to hear the views of our community. We have several questions we would like you to answer in our below online forum. We will be closing this discussion forum on 31 January 2014.

For more information on public art click here for some statements from our consultant’s WAX Design and associates and Trish Hansen, Manager Public Art & Design, Arts SA.

Also click here to find a presentation by Warwick Keates, on behalf of WAX Design and associates, at a recent community forum where we asked the same questions.

Thank you for your time.

Discussions: All (7) Open (0)