What is a By-law?

    By-laws are local laws created by Council that apply to areas under its care and control.

    They are established to ensure that Council can respond to issues within the local area and assist Council in protecting the convenience, comfort and safety of the local community.

    By-laws complement Council’s responsibilities and powers under both state and federal legislation. The process for a Council to establish a By-law is set out in the Local Government Act 1999.

    Why is the amendment being undertaken?

    In 2022, Council undertook the process of reviewing its five By-laws and following public consultation, these were submitted to the Legislative Review Committee for approval.

    In November 2022, the Legislative Review Committee wrote to the CEO, suggesting several amendments with respect to the City of Unley Local Government Land By-law 2022-No 3.

    Council’s legal advisors recommended that the suggested amendments be incorporated into a proposed Local Government Land Amendment By-law No. 6 of 2023.

    At the 24 April 2023 Full Council meeting, Council approved public consultation on By-law No. 6.

    What are the main changes?

    Council has prepared a short summary of the main changes to each By-law. View the summary of changes.

    How can I provide feedback on the proposed amendment By-Law?

    Members of the community can provide feedback on the proposed By-laws by:

    • completing the survey online
    • emailing feedback to pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au;
    • posting written submissions to the Manager Governance, PO Box 1, Unley SA 5061; or
    • heading to the Unley Civic Centre (181 Unley Road, Unley), the local library or community centre to complete a hard copy of the survey.

    All feedback must be received by 5pm, Sunday 25 June 2023.

    What happens next?

    All feedback received during the consultation will be considered and a report will be presented to Council. Council will vote to adopt the By-law Amendment during a meeting of the Council where at least two-thirds of the Elected Members are present and where an absolute majority supports their adoption.

    How does the City of Unley enforce its By-laws?

    The City of Unley By-laws allow Council to respond to various issues within the local area.

    Council takes a practical approach to the enforcement of By-laws in accordance with the City of Unley’s Compliance Policy.

    Council recognises that education is vital to ensuring that the community have the knowledge to achieve compliance and considers prevention of a breach preferable to taking action after a breach has occurred.