Why is Council developing a Cultural Plan?

    Council wants our Cultural Plan to:

    ·  Establish and communicate priorities and deliverables to promote cultural vitality of the City of Unley over the next five years.

    ·  Guide future cultural development programming including identifying key lighthouse projects, including arts initiatives

    ·  Provide a lens for other areas of Council to consider their key strategies and consider the impact of decisions of Council on the culture of the City of Unley’s community

    ·  Measure, amend, refine and add to the value of current and future investment in cultural activity, assets and infrastructure

    ·  Continue to enrich the cultural vitality and artistic endeavour in our City.

    A thriving and creative local culture is essential for Unley’s social, economic and environmental development

    A considered and consolidated approach for future cultural development programming will enhance positive cultural development which is inclusive, respectful, artistic and innovative in reflecting our diverse community. It provides opportunities to address direct and identified community needs and have a greater impact.

    Our Cultural Plan will provide a fresh mandate and framework for action over a five-year period to roll out cultural development initiatives in a considered way under strong principles linked to the Community Plan.

    Why are we doing community engagement?

    Council wants the Cultural Plan to be our community’s Cultural Plan; a shared road map of partnerships over the next 5 years (and possibly beyond) to reflect, respect, enhance and inform a unique Unley culture.

    Our recent Public Arts Strategy (2015-2019) had the heading of Involve Unley in order to ensure that the community had direct input to the kind of public arts they wished to see in our shared public realm.

    We wish to follow these same principles in setting the priorities and actions over the next five years for our Cultural Plan.

    We want to hear from our community what their priorities are, how we should be doing it and under what guiding principles we should be both operating and evaluating.

    How can I get involved?

    Please complete the survey here on this website and/ or come and have you say at one of our drop in sessions.

    What happens next?

    We will be collating all the community input in November and December and re-posting a draft version of the emerging themes and actions for our Cultural Plan. This will be available for further comment in January here on Your Say Unley. After this we will be looking for endorsement of the Cultural Plan by Council ready for action in mid-2020.