What is the purpose of a Economic Development Growth Strategy?

    The Economic Development Growth Strategy 2021-2025 reflects Council’s commitment to economic growth, assisting and supporting the business sector, strengthening the local economy, and ensuring the City of Unley is known as a great place to do business. 

    The Strategy sets out a whole-of-city approach to economic growth to influence a vibrant and successful local economy that reflects the quality of life, environmental principles and values of the community. A key focus for the strategy is a holistic approach to increase the population and number of jobs within the City and to support sustainable business growth.  The Strategy addresses emerging economic conditions and opportunities while providing clear strategies and actions for the next five years. 

    When will the Economic Development Growth Strategy come into effect?

    After community consultation has closed, feedback will be collated to inform amendments to the draft Strategy. The final Strategy will then be presented to our Elected Members for Council endorsement. 

    It is anticipated that the Economic Development Growth Strategy will be endorsed by 30 June 2021.

    How do I get a copy of the Draft Economic Development Growth Strategy?

    An electronic PDF of the Strategy can be accessed by clicking here

    In the interest of reducing paper, we have a limited number of hard copies available. If you require a hard copy please contact us at pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au, with the subject ‘Draft Economic Development Growth Strategy’

    How can I have my say?

    All feedback on the Draft Economic Development Growth Strategy must be received by 5 pm Friday 9 April. 

    There are a number of ways you can provide feedback on the Draft Strategy to Council: 

    • Online: Visit www.yoursay.unley.sa.gov.au and complete the online feedback form.
    • In writing: Download the online feedback form, or request a hard copy by contacting us. 
    • By email: Write to us at pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au, with the subject ‘Draft Economic Development Growth Strategy 2021-2025
    • By post: PO Box 1, Unley, SA, 5061

    Why is it a Draft Strategy?

    The strategy has been developed with assistance from the South Australian Centre for Economic Studies who undertook consultation with the business community, Trader Associations, Council Staff and Elected Members.  The strategy considers emerging economic conditions and opportunities and provides clear strategies and actions for the next 5 years.

    As a draft document, it reflects the thinking of Council, and is presented to the community to ensure its reflects community values and support for the key directions contained in the strategy.

    Will there be further engagement?

    The current consultation is on the strategic Economic Development direction for Council.  As the Strategy is delivered over the next 5 years, it is anticipated that individual projects may require more specific project related engagement to assist with delivery.