Community Forum feedback

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Council has recently sought community feedback on the original 2009 Urban Design Framework for Goodwood Main Street Precinct. During the 7-11 April, staff hosted daily drop-in sessions on the street, as well as held a community forum on Wednesday 8th April.

These sessions allowed the community to review and provide feedback on the strategic directions of the original document, assess the benefits of the works completed since 2009 (UDF recommendations) and to give Council an understanding of the community’s values and perceptions towards Goodwood in 2015. This has established a shared understanding to be reflected in design proposals that seek solutions to the issues and opportunities identified.

Design ideas will be developed and presented to the community to be tested in an open and iterative process. This is anticipated to occur during May and June, leading to presenting a final design in July.

Thank you to all those who stopped by during the week and shared their ideas, as well as those who took the time to attend the forum or to complete the online surveys.

A summary of feedback received from the community is now available. It can be accessed via the Document Library tab.

The Community Survey will remain open until 5pm 1st May, 2015.
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