What is the purpose of this engagement?

    We want to hear from the community what their preferences are for museum operating hours and their thoughts on exhibitions, activities and services. This feedback can help us make sure the museum is open at the times that best suit the community needs, offers desired services and has exhibitions and displays that our community are excited to see.

    How can I get involved?

    Please complete the survey here on this website, complete a survey postcard available from the Unley Museum, Community Centres and Libraries, or email your comments to pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au with ‘Unley Museum Review’ in the subject field.

    Will I see the exhibition I suggested at the museum?

    While we love all suggestions, there are many things to consider before staging an exhibition, so we cannot guarantee your suggestion will happen exactly as you write it.

    What happens with the feedback?

    We will use the information you provide to inform future planning and consideration of the museum's services, activities and opening hours. Feedback may be presented to Council in 2021 to support a proposal for changes to our services if that is what the overall findings indicate.