Weller Street / Simpson Parade - Streetscape Improvements
Consultation has concluded
We are seeking your feedback on proposed streetscape improvements along Weller Street (north of Albert Street) and Simpson Parade. The proposed streetscape improvements will complete the strategic north/south Wood-Weller Street Bicycle Route, identified in the City of Unley’s Walking and Cycling Plan.
The improvements involve the installation of three (3) landscaped slow points, pavement treatment at the bend of Weller Street and Simpson Parade, refreshed bicycle logos/sharrows along the streets, and intersection and landscape improvements at Simpson Parade and King William Road.
The Wood-Weller Street Bicycle Route is a strategic north-south route that links the City of Mitcham to the south at Cross Road and Mike Turtur Bikeway and Charles Walk to the north. The bicycle route provides a parallel north-south alternative to the busy King William Road, and will support a mixed traffic environment with lower vehicle speeds (less than 40 km/h) and lower traffic volumes (less than 1,000 to 1,500 vehicles per day).
The Wood-Weller Street Bicycle Route has progressively been implemented since 2016 (refer to the project timeline).Bike Network Context Map
Streetscape Improvements
The three (3) slow points proposed to be installed along Weller Street and Simpson Parade will be similar to those already installed along Weller and Wood streets. The slow points are aimed to reduce vehicle speeds from the current 85th percentile vehicle speed of 46 km/h along Simpson Parade to less than 40 km/h. In addition, the slow points will provide continuity and improve legibility of the bicycle route.
Weller Street Slow Point Location
Simpson Parade Slow Point Locations
Precedent Image - Weller Street Slow Points
Intersection Improvements
The intersection improvements at King William Road and Simpson Parade will be aimed on improving sight lines and accessibility for all street users, with a focus on the management of the existing landscaping adjacent the culvert and possible relocation of bus stop ‘3-West side’.
On-street Parking
While efforts have been made to minimise the loss of on-street parking, unfortunately to accommodate the slow points, and to create a safer environment for people bike riding, there will be a loss of up to ten (10) on-street parking spaces. One (1) space on Weller Street and nine (9) spaces on Simpson Parade.
The parking occupancy along Weller Street and Simpson Parade ranges between 13 and 36 per cent throughout the day, and therefore it is considered that there will continue to be ample parking capacity with the proposed streetscape improvements installed. The concept plans on the following pages detail the type and locations of the proposed improvement measures, as well as identifies where on-street parking will be impacted.
Providing Feedback
Your views are important to us, and will assist us in finalising the concept designs for Weller Street (north of Albert Street) and Simpson Parade streetscape improvements.
To provide feedback, please complete the survey below by Wednesday 4 November 2020.
For additional information and to discuss the project, please contact us by email at pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au, or by phone on 08 8372 5111.
City Design Team
City of Unley