Highgate School - Pedestrian, Parking and Traffic Improvements

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Consultation has concluded. Local residents will be informed of the consultation results and outcome prior to implementation of any changes. 

Photo of a the Highgate School main entrance point

2 December 2020

We are working in partnership with Highgate School and the Department for Infrastructure and Transport as part of the Way2Go program. Way2Go is a State Government program promoting safer, greener and more active travel for primary school students and their communities.

A key part of the Way2Go process is to review parent/guardian pick-up and drop-off practices around the school and assess how to improve safety and access for all street users.

The review identified the need for a number of recommended improvements, including:

  • Parking improvements on Hampstead Avenue and Avenue Road to better support drop-offs and pick-ups during school start and finish times.
  • Left turn ban timing review from Cross Road onto Hampstead Avenue.
  • Pedestrian improvements and traffic calming at Hampstead Avenue and Euston Avenue intersection.

Parking Improvements

The proposed parking changes on Hampstead Avenue and Avenue Road include:

  • Extended Kiss and Ride / No Parking zone 8-9am, 3-4pm School Days Only on Hampstead Avenue to improve drop-off and pick-up opportunities and optimise kerb-side space in close proximity to the junior school.
  • New 15 minute zone 8-9am, 3-4pm School Days Only for up to 6 vehicles to provide parking opportunities for parents/guardians with younger children.
  • New Kiss and Ride / No Parking zone 8-9am, 3-4pm School Days Only on Avenue Road school (southern) side between Highgate Street and Hampstead Avenue to improve drop-off and pick-up opportunities and optimise kerb-side space in close proximity to the school.
  • No time controls are proposed outside of 8-9am and 3-4pm on school days.

These proposed parking changes are aimed to improve the safety and efficiency of the school drop-off and pick-up, whilst balancing the parking and property access needs of local residents.

Left Turn Ban Timing Review

There is currently a left turn ban from Cross Road onto Hampstead Avenue between 8–9am and 3-4pm, since 2005. This ban was initially implemented with the intent to reduce traffic movements along Hampstead Avenue during school drop-off and pick-up times. The left turn ban however, has caused other safety and traffic circulation issues for parents/guardians wanting to pick up their child/children from the existing Kiss and Ride / No Parking zone on Hampstead Avenue school (western) side.

In response to the long-standing local residential concerns regarding rat-running traffic, as well as to improve access for parents/guardians to drop-off and pick-up their child/children on Hampstead Avenue in a safe and efficient manner it is proposed to change the left turn ban times to 7–8.30am and 3.30-5.30pm. Traffic data shows that these times are generally when the highest traffic levels occur outside of the peak school drop-off and pick-up times.

Pedestrian Improvements

Pedestrian improvements are proposed to be implemented at Hampstead Avenue and Euston Avenue intersection (plan available here). The design comprising of a new kerb build out and kerb ramps just to the south of Euston Avenue aims to improve pedestrian/student access and safety by formalising the desired crossing point, improving sight lines between pedestrians crossing and vehicles, and reducing the pedestrian crossing distance. To accommodate these improvements, unfortunately 3 car parking spaces will be lost, albeit two of the spaces are No Stopping zones between 8.30am-4pm.

In addition to the recommended improvements outlined on the prior page, we will also be improving fencing at the Avenue Road pedestrian (emu) crossing and developing education material to remind parents of the expected behaviours during school drop-off and pick-up and ways to improve safety and access.

It is acknowledged that some residents have broader traffic concerns in the local area, including more extensive changes to Hampstead Avenue. However, changes to the wider network will be considered as part of a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Study for the Highgate/Myrtle Bank area in the coming years depending on budget availability.

Next Steps

Subject to community feedback, the proposed improvements are planned to be delivered in early 2021. Funding has been received from Way2Go State Government (50 per cent) to deliver these works.

Providing Feedback

Your views are important to us, and will assist us in finalising the pedestrian, parking and traffic improvements around the school. To provide feedback, please complete the online feedback form accessed below by 23 December 2020.

Due to the recent COVID-19 restrictions, we will not host a local residential community forum as originally anticipated, however should you wish to discuss the project further please contact us by email at pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au, or by phone on 8372 5111.

Yours sincerely,

City Design Team

City of Unley

2 December 2020

We are working in partnership with Highgate School and the Department for Infrastructure and Transport as part of the Way2Go program. Way2Go is a State Government program promoting safer, greener and more active travel for primary school students and their communities.

A key part of the Way2Go process is to review parent/guardian pick-up and drop-off practices around the school and assess how to improve safety and access for all street users.

The review identified the need for a number of recommended improvements, including:

  • Parking improvements on Hampstead Avenue and Avenue Road to better support drop-offs and pick-ups during school start and finish times.
  • Left turn ban timing review from Cross Road onto Hampstead Avenue.
  • Pedestrian improvements and traffic calming at Hampstead Avenue and Euston Avenue intersection.

Parking Improvements

The proposed parking changes on Hampstead Avenue and Avenue Road include:

  • Extended Kiss and Ride / No Parking zone 8-9am, 3-4pm School Days Only on Hampstead Avenue to improve drop-off and pick-up opportunities and optimise kerb-side space in close proximity to the junior school.
  • New 15 minute zone 8-9am, 3-4pm School Days Only for up to 6 vehicles to provide parking opportunities for parents/guardians with younger children.
  • New Kiss and Ride / No Parking zone 8-9am, 3-4pm School Days Only on Avenue Road school (southern) side between Highgate Street and Hampstead Avenue to improve drop-off and pick-up opportunities and optimise kerb-side space in close proximity to the school.
  • No time controls are proposed outside of 8-9am and 3-4pm on school days.

These proposed parking changes are aimed to improve the safety and efficiency of the school drop-off and pick-up, whilst balancing the parking and property access needs of local residents.

Left Turn Ban Timing Review

There is currently a left turn ban from Cross Road onto Hampstead Avenue between 8–9am and 3-4pm, since 2005. This ban was initially implemented with the intent to reduce traffic movements along Hampstead Avenue during school drop-off and pick-up times. The left turn ban however, has caused other safety and traffic circulation issues for parents/guardians wanting to pick up their child/children from the existing Kiss and Ride / No Parking zone on Hampstead Avenue school (western) side.

In response to the long-standing local residential concerns regarding rat-running traffic, as well as to improve access for parents/guardians to drop-off and pick-up their child/children on Hampstead Avenue in a safe and efficient manner it is proposed to change the left turn ban times to 7–8.30am and 3.30-5.30pm. Traffic data shows that these times are generally when the highest traffic levels occur outside of the peak school drop-off and pick-up times.

Pedestrian Improvements

Pedestrian improvements are proposed to be implemented at Hampstead Avenue and Euston Avenue intersection (plan available here). The design comprising of a new kerb build out and kerb ramps just to the south of Euston Avenue aims to improve pedestrian/student access and safety by formalising the desired crossing point, improving sight lines between pedestrians crossing and vehicles, and reducing the pedestrian crossing distance. To accommodate these improvements, unfortunately 3 car parking spaces will be lost, albeit two of the spaces are No Stopping zones between 8.30am-4pm.

In addition to the recommended improvements outlined on the prior page, we will also be improving fencing at the Avenue Road pedestrian (emu) crossing and developing education material to remind parents of the expected behaviours during school drop-off and pick-up and ways to improve safety and access.

It is acknowledged that some residents have broader traffic concerns in the local area, including more extensive changes to Hampstead Avenue. However, changes to the wider network will be considered as part of a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Study for the Highgate/Myrtle Bank area in the coming years depending on budget availability.

Next Steps

Subject to community feedback, the proposed improvements are planned to be delivered in early 2021. Funding has been received from Way2Go State Government (50 per cent) to deliver these works.

Providing Feedback

Your views are important to us, and will assist us in finalising the pedestrian, parking and traffic improvements around the school. To provide feedback, please complete the online feedback form accessed below by 23 December 2020.

Due to the recent COVID-19 restrictions, we will not host a local residential community forum as originally anticipated, however should you wish to discuss the project further please contact us by email at pobox1@unley.sa.gov.au, or by phone on 8372 5111.

Yours sincerely,

City Design Team

City of Unley

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Consultation has concluded. Local residents will be informed of the consultation results and outcome prior to implementation of any changes. 

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